Woman’s World Magazine just had a article about the benefits and usage of Sangre De Grado. I have included a few quotes from the article about Sangre De Grado Healing properties.
“Reduces Redness! ”
“It’s effective for any abrasion or eruption, from bug bites and burns to cuts and scrapes,” says Kilham “Put it on a pimple and, chance are, the pimple will be gone.”
This is written from a different article about the usages as a cosmetics
a whole new application of Dragon’s blood sap might change the scale of sap collection, and may contribute to greater economic benefit for native people who live in areas where the tree flourishes. This new application is in cosmetics. After decades of good science has been churned out about this remarkable skin-enhancing agent, cosmetic companies are starting to include Dragon’s blood sap in skin elixirs, creams, and other special preparations.
Our parent website is Herbs-America which is the makers of the Sangre De Grado that they were mentioning in the article. Herbs America is offering a special 40% discount when you call in your order. Why not try some for yourself today.
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